Bringing Innovative Software Technologies to Human Space Exploration
Friday, May 7 at 4:55 PM ET
Mariana Ramirez
Program Manager
Program Manager
Mariana is a second year Undergraduate studying computer science with a minor in entrepreneurship. In the future she hopes to use her skills to advocate for the Latinx community. Mariana is currently the Program Manager and Mission Control Center Project Co-Lead for CLAWS. She also enjoys listening to music, cooking, and dancing.
Drew Vanderspool
Mission Control Center Lead
Mission Control Center Lead
Drew is a second year Undergraduate studying computer science with a minor in climate and space sciences and engineering. He enjoys working on software for autonomous vehicle development and space development and exploration systems applications. Drew is currently the Mission Control Center Project Co-Lead for CLAWS, and he loves burgers.
Cesar Mu
Software Lead
Software Lead
Cesar is a rising senior studying computer science and space engineering. In the future, he hopes to join the space industry and push the boundaries of space exploration. Currently, he is the software lead of CLAWS.
Delenn Bauer
Outreach Chair
Outreach Chair
Delenn is a rising junior pursuing a double major in Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science, along with specializing in the Engineering Global Leadership focus of the Engineering Honors Program. She has been Outreach Chair for SEDS, AIAA, and CLAWS, as well as a SGT Webmaster this year, and is also involved with BLiSS and WAA. She is always eager to learn anything new, especially if it relates to space, and share her knowledge and experience with others. She also enjoys volleyball, basketball, track, playing violin and piano, tap dancing, reading, crocheting, and stargazing.