Space Robotics and Reinforcement Learning
Space Robotics and Reinforcement Learning
Saturday, May 8 at 12:35 PM ET
Saturday, May 8 at 12:35 PM ET
Rupal Nigam
PhD Candidate in Aerospace Engineering
Rupal Nigam
PhD Candidate in Aerospace Engineering
Rupal is currently a first-year Ph.D. student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in Aerospace Engineering. Her research is in reinforcement learning for improving adaptation in autonomous agents. She received her BSE in Computer Science from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor and was involved in research (MXL), student project teams and organizations (SEDS, CLAWS, AIAA), and the Honours program. Additionally, she has worked in the AI research group and on GPS at Raytheon Technologies for 3 years and has a patent-pending. Originally from California and now living in Colorado, she loves reading, hiking, constantly learning, and trying out new hobbies.