MASA: Taking Michigan to Space
Friday, May 7 at 11:55 AM ET
Rohun Athalye
Incoming VP
Incoming VP
Rohun Athalye is a rising sophomore studying Aerospace Engineering. He was highly involved with MASA as a freshman and was elected to be MASA's Vice President for the upcoming school year. From a technical standpoint, he is primarily involved with the Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations (ATLO) and Structures subteams. He has worked on the propellant tanks and avionics mounting for the Tangerine Space Machine, MASA's current project (which is expected to launch to space in December!), in addition to helping design a fluid system test stand for the team. His new role as Vice President includes focusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, organizing outreach events, and supporting new members. In his free time, Rohun enjoys playing the saxophone, playing tennis and basketball, and hanging out with friends and family.
Eric Reuter
Incoming Safety Officer
Incoming Safety Officer
Eric Reuter is a rising junior studying Aerospace Engineering. On MASA, Eric works mainly with the Propulsion and the Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations (ATLO) teams and has worked primarily with testing the fuel valve as well as the entire engine test system. Eric was elected to be next year’s Safety Officer where he will help keep the team educated on various safety procedures and trainings such as Liquid Oxygen (LOx) traing while also overseeing major testing. Lately most of his work has been revolved around the current hotfire campaign of MASA’s test engine PT-163 in preparation for testing the flight engine RP-D2 which will involve a full 41.5 second burn later this summer. Outside of MASA Eric can typically be found at the CCRB working on his weight training, relaxing on his porch on a warm sunny day, or enjoying a good party (when covid regulations allow).
Hunter Sagerer
Incoming Aerodynamics & Recovery Lead
Incoming Aerodynamics & Recovery Lead
Hunter Sagerer is a rising junior from New Jersey on MASA. He is enrolled in aerospace engineering and plans on getting both a computer science and a music minor. On MASA, Hunter was recently elected next year’s Aerodynamics and Recovery lead. He works mostly with simulations of the rocket flight and the design and layout of the parachute recovery system. While most of the team focuses on getting Michigan to space, Hunter’s work deals with ensuring we get back down safely as well. Outside of MASA, Hunter sings as a bass in Amazin’ Blue, an A’ Capella group on campus. He also enjoys just about any outdoor activity, especially hiking and running.